Important Tips for Cleaning and Maintaining Your Ice Machine This Spring
With spring having finally sprung, you have probably started to think about some of the spring cleaning tasks you should perform at your business. Don’t forget to give all of your commercial refrigeration units, including freezers and ice machines, a good cleaning! Ice machines in particular tend to get forgotten during cleaning sprees, but it’s important to realize that it can be hazardous to people’s health to continue using ice machines that are dirty.
Here are just a few tips from our commercial refrigeration service in Eugene, OR to help you keep your ice machine clean and in good condition for the rest of the season and beyond:
- Clean out the ice cooler: This is a task you should perform every week. If you keep up with cleaning the cooler, you’ll not only have ice cubes that come out in a uniform shape over and over again, but you’ll also avoid unpleasant odors that may develop in the system. Plus, if you do not clean the machine regularly, you risk it shutting down by itself.
- Check the temperature: You should make sure you keep your ice machine in a cool location so it doesn’t have to expend more energy than necessary to make ice. You’ll find that not only will you save a whole lot of money on utility bills if you don’t have to keep the machine running constantly, but it’ll also produce much better, more consistent ice cubes.
- Regularly replace the water filters: You should change out the water filters in your ice machine at least once every six months, if not more often than that. This will greatly improve the quality of ice your machine makes, as well as the speed with which your machine produces that ice. Leaving dirty filters in place makes the machine work harder and less efficiently, and can also result in the flavors of the debris caught in the filter seeping into the ice produced by the machine.
- Check for slime: It may sound gross, but it’s true—ice machines can develop a brown slime inside of them. This generally arises as a result of specific types of yeast, such as airborne yeasts, brewing yeasts, baking yeasts and yeasts found in beer. You should be sure to consult the manual provided by your ice machine manufacturer for more information about cleaning out and preventing this sludge from developing.
- Clean the condenser coils: Condenser coils tend to get ignored, but the dirtier they get, the harder it forces your ice machine to work and the slower the production of ice will become. You’d likely be amazed at how much debris and grease can form on these coils over time.
Your best course of action is to maintain a regular schedule of professional ice machine cleanings. For more information about putting together such a schedule, we encourage you to contact our commercial refrigeration service in Eugene, OR, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions. Get in touch with American Refrigeration Inc. today to learn more!