Self-Contained vs Remote Walk-in Coolers
At American Refrigeration Inc., we provide refrigerator and cooler services and products of all kinds. From walk-in cooler installation to commercial refrigeration equipment, we provide something for everyone. We assist our customers with an understanding of the best coolers and refrigerators for them. Today, we want to look at self-contained vs remote walk-in coolers to help make it possible for you to understand the differences between the two and why they are both important to consider.
What Are Self-Contained Cooler Units?
These are units that have all of the components to keep your food cool and fresh easily. This includes holding an evaporator and condenser within the cooler as well. These are widely popular cooler units, and they are used in 90% of commercial kitchens these days.
Pros of Self-Contained Cooler Units
Advantages of the self-contained cooler units include the following facts:
- Easy to Set Up. These refrigerators are essentially a plug and play cooler unit. You can set it up easily from the moment that you receive the unit.
- All in One Purchase. There is no need for you to continue to purchase more and more parts and pieces when you get a self-contained cooler. You buy everything that you need all in one purchase when you purchase a self-container cooler unit.
- Simple to Move. You can move these units around your kitchen as necessary to put them in just the right place so you can get the most value out of them.
These are all upsides of a self-container cooler. If you are the kind of person who likes something that is truly set up to be easy to move where you need it to go, then this is the kind of cooler unit that is probably right for you.
Cons of Self-Contained Cooler Units
There are a few drawbacks to these cooler units as well, including:
- They produce a lot of heat in the kitchen.
- Your air conditioner may have to work harder to keep up with all of the extra heat.
What Are Remote Units?
Food service companies often use remote units as they can store bulk food and other products in them easily. This can be a great solution for someone who needs to get the most out of their unit without having to think about how they will store all of the bulk food that they have available.
Pros of Remote Units
- Fewer components to deal with
- Can bring down your electric bill
- In cool climates, these units can be installed on the roof
At the same time, there are downsides to remote units as well, including:
- Expensive to install because they require the help of a professional
- Can be more time-consuming to repair
You should consider all of the facts that play a role in how remote units work when you are looking at which kind of unit you need to go with. Don’t take it for granted that you can get a better unit if you know what to look for. Always weigh out your pros and cons, and then make your final choice.