Keeping Cool: A Guide to Troubleshooting and Repairing Commercial Freezers

Keeping Cool: A Guide to Troubleshooting and Repairing Commercial Freezers

Keeping Cool: A Guide to Troubleshooting and Repairing Commercial Freezers

Commercial freezers play a crucial role in the foodservice industry, allowing businesses to store perishable goods while keeping them fresh and safe. However, when these freezers encounter issues and stop working properly, it can be a significant problem for businesses and their bottom line. In this blog post, we will provide a guide to troubleshooting and repairing commercial freezers, helping business owners and operators diagnose and fix common problems.

1. Start with Basic Checks

When a commercial freezer is not working correctly, it’s essential to start with some basic checks before diving into more complicated troubleshooting. Make sure that the freezer is properly plugged in and that the power source is working correctly. Check the circuit breaker and fuse box to ensure that there are no tripped circuits or blown fuses. Additionally, verify that the temperature settings are properly adjusted and that the freezer is not set to defrost mode.

2. Assess Temperature Issues

One of the most common problems with commercial freezers is temperature-related issues. If the freezer is not maintaining the desired temperature, it can lead to spoiled food and potential health hazards. Begin by checking the thermostat settings and adjusting them if necessary. Inspect the door gaskets for any signs of wear or damage that may be causing air leaks. Clean the condenser coil to remove any dirt or debris that could be obstructing airflow. If the freezer is still not cooling properly, it may indicate a problem with the compressor or refrigerant levels, requiring professional assistance.

3. Address Frost Build-Up

Frost build-up inside the freezer can affect its efficiency and performance. If the freezer is accumulating excessive frost, it may be due to a faulty door gasket that is allowing warm air to enter or a problem with the defrost cycle. Check the door gasket for any signs of damage or deterioration and replace it if necessary. Inspect the defrost heater and timer to ensure that they are functioning correctly. If the problem persists, it may be a sign of a more significant issue, such as a malfunctioning defrost thermostat or control board, which will require professional repair.

4. Investigate Noisy Operation

Unusual noises coming from a commercial freezer can indicate underlying problems that need attention. Start by cleaning the condenser and evaporator coils to remove any dirt or debris that may be causing the noise. Check the fan blade to ensure that it is not loose or bent, potentially hitting other components. Inspect the motor and bearings for any signs of wear or damage that could be causing the noise. If the noise continues, it may indicate a more serious issue, such as a faulty compressor or fan motor, which will require professional repair or replacement.

5. Resolve Water Leakage

Water leakage from a commercial freezer can lead to safety hazards and potential equipment damage. If you notice water pooling inside or around the freezer, check the drain line for any obstructions. Clean the drain pan and ensure that it is properly aligned and functioning correctly. Check the door gasket for any leaks or damage that may be allowing condensation to form. Additionally, inspect the ice machine, if applicable, as it may be the source of the water leak. If the problem persists, it may indicate a clogged or frozen drain line that requires professional attention.

6. Seek Professional Assistance

While some troubleshooting and repairs can be done by business owners or operators, it’s essential to know when to seek professional assistance. If you have followed the troubleshooting steps outlined above and have not been able to resolve the issue, or if the problem involves complex components such as compressors or control boards, it’s best to contact a professional refrigeration technician. These professionals have the knowledge, experience, and specialized tools necessary to diagnose and repair commercial freezers accurately.


Commercial freezers are vital for businesses in the foodservice industry, and when they encounter issues, it’s crucial to address them promptly. By starting with basic checks, assessing temperature issues, addressing frost build-up, investigating noisy operation, and resolving water leakage, business owners can troubleshoot and repair common problems with their commercial freezers. Remember to seek professional assistance when necessary, as some issues require the expertise of a refrigeration technician. By keeping your commercial freezers in optimal condition, you can ensure the freshness and safety of your perishable goods and maintain the smooth operation of your business.

Got questions about your commercial freezer? Let us help! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!