From Setup to Chill: The Ultimate Guide to Commercial Freezer Installations

Kitchen,Factory,EquipmentInstalling a commercial freezer is a significant investment for any business in the food industry. Whether you’re opening a new restaurant or upgrading your existing equipment, proper installation is crucial to ensure the efficient and optimal performance of your freezer. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of commercial freezer installations.

1. Assess Your Space and Requirements

Before diving into the installation process, it’s essential to assess your available space and determine your specific requirements. Measure the area where the freezer will be installed and check for any potential challenges, such as uneven flooring or limited access points. Consider factors like capacity, intended use, and any additional features you might need, such as shelving or temperature control.

2. Choose the Right Freezer Type

Commercial freezers come in various types, including reach-in, walk-in, and chest freezers. Each type has its advantages and is suitable for different business needs. Reach-in freezers are ideal for smaller spaces and provide easy access to stored items. Walk-in freezers offer more storage capacity but require dedicated space. Chest freezers are typically used for bulk storage. Select the type that aligns with your space, usage requirements, and budget.

3. Prepare the Installation Site

Once you have chosen the right freezer type, it’s time to prepare the installation site. Clear the designated area of any obstructions, debris, or equipment. Ensure that the floor is clean, level, and able to support the weight of the freezer. If needed, consult a professional to address any structural or electrical modifications necessary for a safe and efficient installation.

4. Follow Manufacturer’s Guidelines

When installing a commercial freezer, it’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions provided with the product. These guidelines outline the specific requirements and steps for installation, including electrical connections, ventilation, and spacing. Failure to follow these guidelines may void the warranty or compromise the functionality of your freezer.

5. Electrical and Plumbing Considerations

Proper electrical and plumbing connections are vital for the efficient operation of your commercial freezer. Hire a licensed electrician to handle the electrical wiring and ensure the installation meets all local building codes and safety standards. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for power requirements to prevent any electrical issues or power overload. If your freezer requires a water connection, consult a plumber to handle the plumbing connections accurately.

6. Positioning and Levelling

Positioning and leveling your commercial freezer is critical to its functionality and longevity. Place the freezer in the designated area and ensure it is level using a spirit level. Proper leveling helps the doors seal tightly and prevents any issues with the compressor or condenser. Adjust the legs or use shims to achieve the required levelness.

7. Test and Inspect

Once the installation is complete, it’s essential to test and inspect the freezer thoroughly. Check for any visible damages, defects, or leaks. Verify that all components, such as fans, lights, and temperature controls, are working correctly. Allow the freezer to run for a few hours to ensure it reaches the desired temperature and maintains it consistently. Monitor the freezer’s performance and address any anomalies that arise.

8. Develop a Maintenance Plan

Maintaining your commercial freezer is as important as the installation process itself. Develop a regular maintenance plan to ensure its longevity and efficiency. This plan should include cleaning the interior and exterior surfaces, defrosting when necessary, regularly checking and replacing gaskets, and scheduling professional inspections and servicing. Following a maintenance plan will help prevent breakdowns, reduce energy consumption, and extend the lifespan of your freezer.


A properly installed commercial freezer is essential for any business in the food industry. By carefully assessing your space, choosing the right type of freezer, following manufacturer guidelines, and ensuring proper electrical and plumbing connections, you can set up your freezer for optimal performance. Remember to position and level the freezer correctly, test and inspect it thoroughly, and develop a maintenance plan to keep it running efficiently for years to come.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

Call American Refrigeration for your commercial heating, ventilation & cooling needs. Founded in 1995, American Refrigeration has been proudly serving the Eugene & Portland areas with honesty & integrity for over 19 years. We specialize in commercial HVAC, air conditioning & heating repair, including medical laboratories and winery chillers. Emergency Repair is available 24/7 and we honor manufacturer rebates & warranties. Contact us today!

Mastering the Art of Commercial Freezer Installations: The Ultimate Guide for Suppliers and Business Owners

Cold,Warehouse,With,Installation,For,The,Production,Of,Ice.Commercial freezers are a vital component for businesses in the food industry, ensuring the preservation and storage of perishable items. Proper installation of these freezers is crucial to maintain the quality and safety of the stored products. In this guide, we will explore the essential steps and key considerations for mastering the art of commercial freezer installations, providing valuable insights for suppliers and business owners alike.

1. Assess Space and Capacity Requirements:

Before starting the installation process, it is essential to assess the available space and determine the required capacity for your commercial freezer. Measure the area where the freezer will be installed and ensure that it can accommodate the size and dimensions of the unit. Additionally, consider the capacity needed to meet your business requirements and choose a freezer that can handle your desired volume of stored items.

2. Consider Energy Efficiency:

Energy efficiency plays a significant role in reducing operating costs and minimizing environmental impact. When selecting a commercial freezer, look for models that are ENERGY STAR certified. These units are designed to consume less energy while operating efficiently. Investing in energy-efficient freezers not only helps you save money in the long run but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable business.

3. Plan for Proper Ventilation:

Proper ventilation is crucial for the optimal performance of commercial freezers. Improper ventilation can lead to overheating and subpar cooling capacity. Ensure that the installation area has adequate airflow and ventilation, allowing the freezer to expel heat properly. Consider the manufacturer’s recommendations for clearance distances around the unit to maintain optimal airflow and prevent any ventilation-related issues.

4. Prepare the Installation Site:

Preparing the installation site is a crucial step in ensuring a smooth and successful installation process. Clear the area of any obstacles or debris that might hinder the installation process. Ensure that the floor is clean, level, and able to support the weight of the freezer. Any necessary electrical and plumbing connections should also be in place before the installation begins.

5. Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions and Guidelines:

Every commercial freezer model has its unique installation requirements. It is essential to read and understand the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines before proceeding with the installation. Follow these instructions meticulously to ensure that the freezer is set up correctly and functions optimally. Failure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines may void the warranty and negatively impact the performance of the unit.

6. Seek Professional Installation Services:

While some business owners may attempt to install commercial freezers themselves, it is often advisable to seek professional refrigeration installation services. Hiring experienced technicians who are familiar with commercial freezer installations can save time and minimize the risk of mistakes. These professionals have the necessary expertise to handle the electrical and plumbing connections, ensuring a proper and safe installation.

7. Test and Monitor the Freezer:

Once the installation is complete, thoroughly test the commercial freezer to verify its functionality. Check the temperature settings and ensure that the unit reaches and maintains the desired temperature. Monitor the freezer closely during the initial period to confirm that it is operating as expected and efficiently cooling the stored items. Address any abnormal issues promptly to prevent any potential damage to the goods.

8. Implement Regular Maintenance:

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your commercial freezer in peak condition and extend its lifespan. Create a maintenance schedule that includes tasks such as cleaning the coils, inspecting gaskets, and checking for proper insulation. Regularly monitor the temperature and performance to detect any potential issues early on. Proper maintenance ensures that the freezer operates optimally, preventing breakdowns and preserving the quality of stored products.


Mastering the art of commercial freezer installations requires careful planning, attention to details, and adherence to best practices. By assessing space and capacity requirements, considering energy efficiency, planning for proper ventilation, and following manufacturer’s instructions, you can ensure a successful installation process. Whether you choose to seek professional installation services or handle it yourself, it is crucial to test and monitor the freezer’s performance, implementing regular maintenance to maximize its efficiency and lifespan. By mastering the art of commercial freezer installations, suppliers and business owners can create a safe and efficient storage environment for their perishable goods, contributing to the success of their operations.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

Call American Refrigeration for your commercial heating, ventilation & cooling needs. Founded in 1995, American Refrigeration has been proudly serving the Eugene & Portland areas with honesty & integrity for over 19 years. We specialize in commercial HVAC, air conditioning & heating repair, including medical laboratories and winery chillers. Emergency Repair is available 24/7 and we honor manufacturer rebates & warranties. Contact us today!

Keeping Cool: A Guide to Troubleshooting and Repairing Commercial Freezers

Keeping Cool: A Guide to Troubleshooting and Repairing Commercial Freezers

Commercial freezers play a crucial role in the foodservice industry, allowing businesses to store perishable goods while keeping them fresh and safe. However, when these freezers encounter issues and stop working properly, it can be a significant problem for businesses and their bottom line. In this blog post, we will provide a guide to troubleshooting and repairing commercial freezers, helping business owners and operators diagnose and fix common problems.

1. Start with Basic Checks

When a commercial freezer is not working correctly, it’s essential to start with some basic checks before diving into more complicated troubleshooting. Make sure that the freezer is properly plugged in and that the power source is working correctly. Check the circuit breaker and fuse box to ensure that there are no tripped circuits or blown fuses. Additionally, verify that the temperature settings are properly adjusted and that the freezer is not set to defrost mode.

2. Assess Temperature Issues

One of the most common problems with commercial freezers is temperature-related issues. If the freezer is not maintaining the desired temperature, it can lead to spoiled food and potential health hazards. Begin by checking the thermostat settings and adjusting them if necessary. Inspect the door gaskets for any signs of wear or damage that may be causing air leaks. Clean the condenser coil to remove any dirt or debris that could be obstructing airflow. If the freezer is still not cooling properly, it may indicate a problem with the compressor or refrigerant levels, requiring professional assistance.

3. Address Frost Build-Up

Frost build-up inside the freezer can affect its efficiency and performance. If the freezer is accumulating excessive frost, it may be due to a faulty door gasket that is allowing warm air to enter or a problem with the defrost cycle. Check the door gasket for any signs of damage or deterioration and replace it if necessary. Inspect the defrost heater and timer to ensure that they are functioning correctly. If the problem persists, it may be a sign of a more significant issue, such as a malfunctioning defrost thermostat or control board, which will require professional repair.

4. Investigate Noisy Operation

Unusual noises coming from a commercial freezer can indicate underlying problems that need attention. Start by cleaning the condenser and evaporator coils to remove any dirt or debris that may be causing the noise. Check the fan blade to ensure that it is not loose or bent, potentially hitting other components. Inspect the motor and bearings for any signs of wear or damage that could be causing the noise. If the noise continues, it may indicate a more serious issue, such as a faulty compressor or fan motor, which will require professional repair or replacement.

5. Resolve Water Leakage

Water leakage from a commercial freezer can lead to safety hazards and potential equipment damage. If you notice water pooling inside or around the freezer, check the drain line for any obstructions. Clean the drain pan and ensure that it is properly aligned and functioning correctly. Check the door gasket for any leaks or damage that may be allowing condensation to form. Additionally, inspect the ice machine, if applicable, as it may be the source of the water leak. If the problem persists, it may indicate a clogged or frozen drain line that requires professional attention.

6. Seek Professional Assistance

While some troubleshooting and repairs can be done by business owners or operators, it’s essential to know when to seek professional assistance. If you have followed the troubleshooting steps outlined above and have not been able to resolve the issue, or if the problem involves complex components such as compressors or control boards, it’s best to contact a professional refrigeration technician. These professionals have the knowledge, experience, and specialized tools necessary to diagnose and repair commercial freezers accurately.


Commercial freezers are vital for businesses in the foodservice industry, and when they encounter issues, it’s crucial to address them promptly. By starting with basic checks, assessing temperature issues, addressing frost build-up, investigating noisy operation, and resolving water leakage, business owners can troubleshoot and repair common problems with their commercial freezers. Remember to seek professional assistance when necessary, as some issues require the expertise of a refrigeration technician. By keeping your commercial freezers in optimal condition, you can ensure the freshness and safety of your perishable goods and maintain the smooth operation of your business.

Got questions about your commercial freezer? Let us help! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

How Often Should You Be Cleaning Your Commercial Freezer?

How Often Should You Be Cleaning Your Commercial Freezer?

Whether you’re running a restaurant, cafeteria, or other commercial kitchen, your freezer is one of the most important pieces of equipment in your establishment. You’ll want to ensure that it’s properly maintained and cleaned so that it will continue to work as efficiently as possible for you. Follow these simple tips to keep your freezer in great shape.

1. Wipe Down The Interiors

Wipe down the interiors of your commercial freezer on a regular basis to keep it clean and safe. This includes the shelves and compartments, as well as all flat surfaces, door handles, edges, and seals. Ideally, you should wipe down the interiors of your commercial freezer every three to four months. This prevents build-up that causes the condenser coils to clog, which can cause problems and increase energy costs over time. Once you’re ready to wipe down the interiors, remove the shelves and compartments, vacuum loose debris inside, and wash them thoroughly with hot soapy water. Use highly absorbent microfiber cloths or a non-abrasive scrubber to remove any grime and stains that have built up since the last cleaning. Another key step to a thorough cleaning is to discard items that are past their expiration dates. This not only ensures that your food is safe, but also keeps the refrigerator organized for efficient storage.

2. Vacuum The Condenser And Coils

Commercial freezers are used by food distributors to store and freeze products to increase their longevity. They are designed to be much larger than a residential refrigerator and are more robust. It is important to keep them clean on a regular basis. Keeping the condenser coil clean is an easy way to extend the life of your unit. Using a vacuum cleaner with a narrow attachment, run it over the condenser coils to remove all of the dust and debris that may be stuck on them. The narrow nozzle on the vacuum cleaner makes it easier to reach the harder to get at places. After removing all of the dirt and debris, brush it off as thoroughly as possible. This will help ensure that any remaining grime doesn’t contaminate the rest of the commercial freezer.

3. Inspect The Drain Line

During semi-annual inspections and routine maintenance, technicians can identify potential issues before they cause expensive breakdowns. This includes drain lines and electrical systems, both of which can be a costly problem to fix if left unattended. The drain line in a commercial refrigerator should be cleaned every 2-3 months between maintenance checks. This will prevent clogging and help the equipment run at its optimal level. When inspecting the drain line, look for any signs of ice or a buildup of debris that might indicate a clog. The best way to clear a clog is by having a professional service technician come out and blow it out using air compressors or condensed CO2 with the appropriate cleaning materials.

4. Mop The Floor

The floor of your freezer is one area that you should focus on, as it can be slippery if wet. You’ll need to use a mop and bucket of warm, soapy water to get the job done. The floor might be the most important part of your commercial freezer, as it is where most of your employees will be walking on daily. This is especially true in busy foodservice environments, so you’ll want to keep it clean and dry for the safety of everyone involved. The best way to keep your floor clean is to do it on a regular basis. This will prevent dirt and grit from making their way into the cold, making it easier to keep your freezer running properly.

When To Call A Commercial Freezer Repair Technician

When To Call A Commercial Freezer Repair Technician

A commercial freezer is an essential part of any restaurant, liquor store, or convenience store. When it malfunctions, you can lose valuable inventory and customers. To keep your equipment working well, you need to schedule regular maintenance checks. When a technician visits your facility, they can spot problems before they occur.

Ice Buildup

When it comes to commercial freezers, ice and frost buildup can be a serious problem. This buildup is a sign that your defrost cycle isn’t working properly. In addition to affecting food safety, excess moisture can also damage the interior of the freezer. Fortunately, most of these issues can be addressed by a professional technician who can fix them before they become larger problems. The sooner a problem is recognized, the better.

Inconsistent Temperature

Your food retail business relies on the ability of your commercial freezer to maintain a consistent temperature. If your commercial freezer can’t hold a steady temperature, this could be an indication that it needs repair.  It may also be a sign that it’s time to upgrade to a newer, more efficient model. Inconsistent temperatures can also be caused by damaged seals or gaskets. When these seals are worn or broken, they allow cold air to escape. This can lead to the thawing of your food and a spike in your energy costs. A professional repair technician can help you determine if this is an issue that needs to be addressed right away. If the problem isn’t addressed, it can cause food to spoil or become contaminated, causing health concerns for you and your customers.

Water Leaks

When you see puddles on the floor around your freezer, it is a good sign that your seals are wearing out. You also want to take a closer look at the doors. If you are able to open the door with your fingers, this is a sign that your motor is not working as well as it used to. While this is not a particularly costly repair, it can make your fridge less efficient and potentially unsafe for your employees or customers. You might want to consider a maintenance contract as it can save you money down the road. That being said, when your commercial freezer is in need of repair, you want to call a technician who can do the job right the first time. After all, a small issue that goes unrepaired could lead to a much bigger problem.