

Commercial HVAC in Eugene, OR and the Perfect Distillery

Manufacturing alcoholic beverages is very temperature-dependent and requires well-functioning commercial HVAC in Eugene, OR. Distilleries are no different as, although the steps for making spirits are very linear and clear, there is still a need to maintain temperatures at the early stages and ensure equipment and environmental controls work well. Here is an overview of


Winemaking Mistakes and Commercial HVAC in Eugene, OR

As a provider of commercial HVAC in Eugene, OR, American Refrigeration, Inc. meets winemakers and repairs their equipment. It places us in a unique spot to see how much can go wrong with winemaking and the importance of temperature control from HVAC systems and refrigeration. Here are the most common mistakes that arise with winemaking


Six Differences Between Residential and Commercial Refrigeration in Eugene, OR

Your home and restaurant refrigerators may seem interchangeable, but nothing can be further from the truth. There is a reason commercial refrigeration in Eugene, OR is a specialty of its own and the same repair facility cannot normally work on both your restaurant and home refrigerators. To help you better appreciate the unique attributes of


How Your Winery or Brewery Can Benefit from Commercial Refrigeration Repair and More

Here in Oregon, it’s difficult to even turn a corner without coming across a craft brewery or winery. Having a variety of different brewers and vintners makes for innovation, more widespread appreciation for craft beverages and a dynamic and exciting subculture, which are all great things. But with all the competition around, Oregon breweries and