What to Consider When Selecting a Still for Your Distillery
The still is the most important piece of equipment you will have in your distillery. This determines what kind of spirits you’re able to manufacture, and how much of it you’ll be able to make within a given time period. The demand for stills has never been higher, either, as more and more companies continue to pop up in the wake of the rise of the craft brewing and distilling phenomenon.
There are plenty of other pieces of equipment you’re going to need to get to start up your distillery, but given the importance of the still, it’s probably the first piece of equipment you’re going to focus on. Therefore, it’s important for you to know what factors to take into consideration when making your selection. Your choice might be influenced to some extent by what’s available in your area, especially if you’re able to get a quality still secondhand. But without taking availability into account, here are just a few examples of some of the factors you’ll need to think about when selecting your stills and distillery equipment in Eugene, OR:
- Kind of spirits: What kind of spirits do you wish to make? This is the best initial question for you to answer. You may require a different still depending on whether you plan to make whiskey, bourbon, gin, absinthe, brandy, vodka or any other kind of spirit or combination of the aforementioned, so make sure you have a vision for your distillery and what it will produce.
- How much: How much of each type of spirit do you intend to make? Consider barrels per day/week/month/year. Unless you have a good deal of venture funding and/or experience, you’re probably not going to be starting off with a massive operation. But that’s okay—you can grow your distillery over time.
- Your current operation: Are you already distilling? If so, are you able to continue using any of the equipment you currently have on hand, or do you need to upgrade your still? If this is your first distillery, then you’re probably going to need to spend more time researching the kinds of equipment you’re going to need to get your operation up and running.
- Your production and operations: How much do you actually want to work? You should consider the number of days per week you intend to distill, how long you want each shift to be, how many other people you’ll have working with or for you and how many shifts you’ll have.
- Bourbon and whiskey: There are some special considerations to take into account if you’ll be making bourbon or whiskey. If you know you’re going to be making either or both of these spirits, make sure to investigate the options that are available to you for them specifically.
These are just a few examples of some of the most important factors to consider when selecting a still and other distillery equipment in Eugene, OR. Contact American Refrigeration Inc. today for more information about how to proceed with your order.