Common Walk-in Freezer Issues to Know About

The walk-in freezer is one of the most important pieces of infrastructure in any commercial kitchen. If you’ve started to experience any problems with yours, it’s important to be proactive about getting professional assistance to get it back up and running as quickly as possible so you can avoid losing inventory and having to deal with inefficient operations.

So how do you know if there’s something wrong with your walk-in freezer in Eugene, OR? Here are just a few examples of some of the most common walk-in freezer issues you should know about:

For more information about some of the most common problems that occur inside walk-in freezers in Eugene, OR, we encourage you to reach out to the team at American Refrigeration Inc. with your questions.

What Does It Mean When There’s Ice or Frost on My Refrigeration Equipment?

We get a lot of panicked calls from customers who notice an accumulation of ice or frost on their refrigeration equipment in Eugene, OR, particularly on their compressor head or surrounding lines. It’s understandable that they’d be stressed—after all, when the compressor has trouble, their business could be in jeopardy!

Fortunately, ice or frost accumulation isn’t always a bad thing. This post will teach you a little bit more about frost and ice on your refrigeration equipment and what you can do to prevent it.

How does frost accumulate?

Frost on the compressor or compressor lines is normal. After all, these are frigid components surrounded by warmer air. When warm air comes in contact with the parts, it condenses and forms small water beads. If the compressor temperature is below 32 degrees, that water will start to freeze and form a layer of frost. This is more common on commercial refrigerators than it is on residential units.

Is there a problem with my compressor?

That fine layer of frost is no big deal—but what about a thick layer of frost or ice? Although this problem is less common nowadays, a lot of ice on your compressor could indicate a refrigerant leak. If there is a leak, you’ll also notice that your fridge isn’t performing like it should be.

So, if you see a lot of ice and notice a dip in fridge performance or temperature, call a professional to inspect and repair your unit.

How to avoid ice or frost accumulation

Fortunately, preventing high levels of ice or frost on your refrigeration equipment in Eugene, OR is fairly easy. Follow these tips, and you should never have to worry about excess ice or frost on your refrigeration gear:

Hire American Refrigeration Inc. for an inspection today

With the start of 2021 just around the corner, now’s the perfect time to schedule your annual refrigeration inspection. Contact us today to book your appointment and ensure you don’t have ice or frost on your refrigeration equipment in Eugene, OR next year.

The Refrigeration Parts You Need to Know About

Unless you work in the refrigeration industry or specialize in winery equipment installation in Eugene, OR, knowing all of the parts in your commercial fridge might not seem to be all that important. However, that’s not the case. More often than not, we find it’s beneficial for owners to understand how their refrigeration system operates.

There are quite a few parts that must work in harmony for your refrigeration equipment to function properly. Continue reading to learn a little bit more about all of the essential components:

Call our team if you’re having refrigeration problems

When your refrigeration system starts to fail, hire American Refrigeration Inc. to fix it. On top of performing winery equipment installation in Eugene, OR, we’re the trusted team for making refrigerator repairs. Our technicians can quickly identify the source of the problem and either repair or replace the malfunctioning part.

Common Issues with Commercial Refrigeration Systems

If you’re the owner of a restaurant, grocery store, cafeteria or market, you rely on your commercial refrigeration systems to constantly operate with great efficiency and reliability. Problems with these systems that force them to stop working could result in your business taking a significant blow to its finances and reputation.

Staying on top of regular preventative maintenance can help you to avoid common issues with commercial refrigeration systems in Eugene, OR. However, it’s also important to be aware of the steps you should take if any of those issues manifest in your equipment.

Here’s a quick overview of some common refrigeration issues and the steps you should take to resolve them.

If you’re interested in learning more about common issues with commercial refrigeration systems and how you can fix them, contact our commercial refrigeration team in Eugene, OR, today.


What Equipment Do You Need for a Small Winery?

If you’re preparing to start up a small winery, you’re going to need quite a bit of equipment to get yourself started. You can purchase this equipment new or find it secondhand, but there are certain items that you simply cannot go without.

Here’s a quick overview of some of the most important pieces of equipment you’ll need when planning for new winery equipment installation in Eugene, OR.

There are lots of things that go into starting a small winery, but these are some of the most important. For more information about winery equipment installation, contact your local source for commercial refrigeration services in Eugene, OR.