How Much Does an R-22 to R-410A AC Conversion Cost?

There are many benefits to converting your R-22 air conditioning system to an R-410A system. These benefits range from the legal to the financial to the environmental. R-410A air conditioning systems are better for the ozone layer and will eventually be the norm in all homes once R-22 systems are successfully phased out.

But the thought of R-22 conversion costs might be the thing stopping you from making the switch, which is understandable. However, knowing the extent of R-22 conversion costs could help you make a more informed decision—read on to learn more.

Do I legally have to convert my R-22 air conditioning system to an R-410A system?

Technically, no—but R-22 gas is going to be much harder to find going forward. This is because the United States has legally barred manufacturers from making new R-22 systems. The government has also outlawed the importation or manufacturing of R-22 gas in the United States. All existing R-22 AC systems are allowed to stand, but it’s going to be harder to have them serviced or refilled going forward.

Can I convert my R-22 system to an R-410A system myself?

Not unless you’re an EPA-certified HVAC technician with experience performing that specific conversion process. This is because R-22 conversions are an intricate procedure that involves the complete removal of R-22, which is a harsh chemical gas. It’s better to leave a tricky operation like this to the certified professionals.

How will I know whether I should have my air conditioner converted or replaced?

This could be a matter of personal preference or budgetary concerns, but as a general rule of thumb, if you have an R-22 HVAC system that is eight years or older, you might be better off having it replaced with an R-410A system. This is because AC units typically last between 10 and 12 years, so paying to have your system converted at the end of its lifespan doesn’t make much fiscal sense.

What does the R-22 conversion process entail?

It is an involved, multi-step practice that will begin by having an HVAC technician remove all traces of R-22. The technician will “flush” the system several times to ensure all the R-22 is gone. The technician will then replace the accumulator, compressor and expansion valve with parts that can tolerate the R-410A gas. The professional may or may not have to install a new refrigerant line set. The tech will then recharge the AC system with R-410A and finish the conversion by testing it extensively.

How much will an R-22 to R-410A conversion cost?

The actual cost will depend on many things, including where you live, but most of the time R-22 conversions start at around $2,000 and go up from there. The higher end of that range is somewhere around $4,500 to $4,600. This is because of the necessary parts, products, expertise and labor required for an R-22 conversion. For context, a new air conditioner installation costs between $4,600 and $9,000.

Call for your R-22 conversion today

Now that you know the range of R-22 conversion costs, give us a call at American Refrigeration Inc. Our EPA-certified HVAC technicians can help you with any commercial air conditioning issues you may have, including installations, repairs and conversions.

What Are the Benefits of Switching to R-410A Refrigerant?

If you’ve ever owned an older car or HVAC system, you’re probably familiar with Freon. It’s also known as R-22, and it’s a noncombustible gas that is integral to the process of air conditioning. For years, all air conditioning systems utilized R-22. But it is now being phased out due to environmental concerns.

This means there are many R-22 conversions happening around the United States. People are switching their air conditioning systems over from R-22 to R-410A, which is also known as Puron. Below we’ll take a look at the benefits of R-22 conversions and why using R-410A refrigerant is superior.

It’s the law

There has already been an initial wave of R-22 conversions, and there will likely be many more in the coming years. This is because, as of the year 2020, R-22 cannot be manufactured or imported into the United States. That doesn’t mean that everyone must rip out their air conditioners that currently use R-22, just that no new air conditioning systems using Freon will be manufactured in the U.S.

More cost-effective

Performing an R-22 conversion to R-410A could likely save you money in the long run. This is because, due to supply and demand, the cost of R-22 will surely go up. This is because it’s about to become scarcer. This is happening due to the laws mentioned above going into effect. Installing an HVAC system that uses R-410A means the technology you’re using will be newer, and the parts themselves should last longer than an outdated R-22-based system.

Better efficiency

In the same vein, an R-410A system does a better job of absorbing and emitting heat than an older R-22 system does. This, combined with the better equipment and technology, means it will run more efficiently than an R-22 system. There’s also a bit of a ceiling when it comes to an R-22 system’s seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER). Most R-22 systems have a hard time getting above a 13 SEER rating, while R-410A systems can easily reach a 14.5 SEER rating or higher.

Saving the environment

This is the main reason the government looked to phase out R-22. When it leaks, the gas can do significant damage to the planet’s air quality and ozone layer. With so many millions of people using R-22 for various applications, continuing its use was unsustainable.

R-410A is still a chemical gas compound, but it’s not nearly as harmful to the earth’s ozone layer as Freon is. While it’s true that R-410A is not perfect, it’s the best material currently available to use in air conditioning systems. Someday an even safer gas might be discovered to replace R-410A, but until then you can confidently deploy it in your home knowing that it’s safe, legal and can be serviced for a reasonable price.

Call for your HVAC services today

Whether you require R-22 conversions or other types of HVAC services, give us a call at American Refrigeration Inc. We offer a plethora of commercial HVAC services, including HVAC installation, repair, commercial refrigeration and parts distribution.

Alternative Refrigerant for R22 Ice Makers and Chillers

R22 was once a common refrigerant, used for ice makers, chillers and a number of other commercial and residential appliances. Unfortunately, R22 is not as good for the environment as scientists once thought. In fact, R22 has been phased out since 2010, and it will be completely illegal by 2030.

If you have an ice maker or chiller that uses R22, you probably don’t want to scrap the whole thing and buy a new one—but you may need to. There are a few alternative refrigerant possibilities for R22 ice makers and chillers in Eugene, OR. However, these alternatives need to be safer for the environment, cost effective and efficient. Read on to learn more about the process for finding alternative refrigerants that will work in R22 ice makers and chillers.

Working pressure

The maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) has proven to be the first challenge in finding alternative refrigerants. Most ice makers and chillers have an MAWP between 150 to 200psi on the low end, which can vary depending on the specific brand, appliance and date of manufacture. Unfortunately, two of the most common R22 alternatives, R404a and R507, have a low-end MAWP of 250psi.


Glide is the next factor to consider. The glide needs to be near zero in order to work properly in commercial ice makers and chillers. While R404a and R507 have the right glide to work, their working pressure restrictions make them unsuitable for ice makers and chillers.

Other readily available alternatives like R407c, R40f and R410 have glides that are higher than R22. This is a problem because the high glide causes them to fractionalize and segregate in service. Instead of working as a volatile fluid, which is necessary for the heat transfer process, these refrigerants’ evaporator fluid chemistry changes. That causes a reduction in capacity as well as erratic operation—neither of which you want when you’re working with commercial machinery.

Volumetric efficiency

Finally, volumetric efficiency plays a role in how well these alternatives will work in R22 ice makers and chillers inn Eugene, OR. R134a uses a lower working pressure than R22, and its glide is near zero. However, it has a significantly lower volumetric efficiency, which means its capacity is not nearly high enough for what commercial machines require.

Finding the right alternative coolant

Depending on your specific machine and capacity, you might wish to upgrade to commercial ice makers and chillers that were not designed to use R22. The challenges of finding a functional, safe and environmentally-friendly coolant for R22 machines can make upgrading worth the investment. Since R22 is extremely difficult to source now, and will be illegal in less than ten years, it’s probably wise to move on to a new machine.

If you’re not quite ready to say goodbye to your old machinery, reach out to American Refrigeration Inc. We’ll do our best to recommend alternative refrigerant possibilities for R22 ice makers and chillers in Eugene, OR, or help you find new machines to do the job.

Everything You Need to Know About Upgrading Your Compressor from R-22 to R-410A Refrigerant

Are you thinking about upgrading your home’s air conditioning unit? One of the best things you can do for your home, and for the environment, is to update your cooling system if your current unit uses R-22 refrigerant. Instead of completely replacing the unit, you may be wondering if you can upgrade your compressor from R-22 to R-410A refrigerant if you’re a homeowner in Eugene, OR. Read on to learn about the process and benefits of making this environmentally-friendly improvement.

What needs to be replaced?

Think of your air conditioning in terms of a truck’s diesel engine. If you want to convert the engine to run on gasoline, you have to overhaul the entire system. It’s a similar scenario when you upgrade from an R-22 system to R-410A. Not only do you have to replace the compressor, but you also have to swap out the evaporator and condenser components. Sometimes, the copper connecting lines also need to be replaced. Of course, you’ll need to have these things done by a skilled technician if you want to upgrade from R-22 to R-410A refrigerant in Eugene, OR.

What’s the first step in the conversion process?

At the beginning of the conversion process, your technician will make sure there’s no moisture in your system and that it’s free of leaks. R-410A systems run more efficiently because they use polyethylene-based lubricating oil. This oil breaks down in the presence of water, which means the entire system must be completely dry. The installer will then place all mechanical components and braze all connection lines. Once this is done, your installer will use a vacuum pump to remove any last traces of water vapor. When the installer is satisfied that the system is dry and tight, they’ll charge the system with R-410A, completing the upgrade.

How do I know if I should make the switch?

In recent years, industry experts recommended leaving your R-22 HVAC system intact if it’s running fine. However, U.S. regulations have made it illegal for chemical companies to produce R-22 refrigerant as of 2020. Although installation professionals can offer R-22 reclaimed equipment to repair damaged system components, you won’t be able to find the R-22 refrigerant cheaply or easily. In other words, running an R-22 HVAC system is going to cost you a lot of money in the long run—it’s best to make the conversion to R-410A as soon as you can.

Making the switch to R-410A is also an eco-friendly home upgrade. R22 refrigerant has been shown to deplete the ozone layer—it’s why the government has stopped its production. By switching to R-410A, you greatly reduce your impact on the environment.

If you’re a homeowner in Eugene, OR and you’re wondering whether you can upgrade your compressor from R-22 to R-410A refrigerant, the answer is a resounding yes. But remember, the job needs to be done by a skilled professional. Contact the team at American Refrigeration Inc. to complete this upgrade that’s good for your wallet and for the environment.

What You Need to Know About R-22 and R-410A Refrigerants

If you’re a homeowner in Eugene, OR and you’re thinking about upgrading your cooling system, it’s important to know the comparison between the refrigerants R-22 vs R-410A. Read on to learn about these two very different types of refrigerants so you can choose the best option for your home.

What are the characteristics of R-22 refrigerants?

You might know R-22 refrigerants by their common name: Freon®. This refrigerant was standard until 2010, when it was discontinued because it contains hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC), which contribute to ozone depletion. In other words, R-22 use is harmful to the environment. If you have an older air conditioning system, you’re probably using an R-22 refrigerant when you cool your home. If your system is in need of repair, check to see which refrigerant you use. Keep in mind that, since R-22 is discontinued, it can be a challenge finding supplies if your system needs a recharge.

What are the characteristics of R-410A refrigerants?

The new type of refrigerant, R-410A, is often referred to by its name brand, Puron®. The best benefit of this refrigerant is that it’s a hydrofluorocarbon (HCF) that doesn’t have a negative impact on the planet’s ozone layer. It is now standard for residential air conditioners in the U.S. Always double check and make sure that your new system runs on R-410A before you make a purchase.

How do these two refrigerants differ in terms of performance?

Not only does the use of R-410A in your air conditioning system reduce your environmental impact, it also helps it work better. R-410A absorbs and releases heat more efficiently than R-22. Your compressor runs much cooler, reducing the risk of overheating. The two systems also differ in terms of their lubrication needs. R-22 systems use mineral oil, whereas R-410A models use synthetic oil. It’s more soluble and makes the entire system run much more efficiently. In short, when you compare R-22 vs. R-410-A, there are clear benefits to choosing the latter option to cool your home in Eugene, OR.

What should you know about dry charging?

When you’re shopping for a new cooling unit, you might come across what’s known as a “dry charge” unit. Although you’re unable to purchase a new cooling system with R-22 refrigerant installed, you can buy a factory-made unit that doesn’t have any refrigerant in it at all. Once the unit’s installed at your property, you call a technician to come install the R-22 refrigerant. Think carefully before purchasing a dry charge cooling unit for your property. The supply of R-22 is limited due to the 2010 phaseout, and prices will continue to go up. In addition, this type of cooling unit isn’t nearly as efficient as one that runs on R-410A refrigerant. Be sure to weigh the costs and the benefits before purchasing these dry charge units.

If you’re not a heating and cooling expert, telling the difference between R-22 vs. R-410-A can be very confusing. Homeowners in Eugene, OR should get a professional opinion before purchasing a cooling system. Contact American Refrigeration Inc. to discover the best option for your home.